Apr 9, 2008

Book #2 ----- Post #4

What is the climax of this novel?

How do the events make you feel?

I believe that the climax was when Ender realized how he was tricked by the whole military and realizes that he has done wrong to the Buggers. This part of the story is the climax, because this was when Ender finally snapped back to reality, and found out what he was doing to these poor Buggers that really did nothing to them. If he didn't find this out in his mind, he would've become whatever the military leaders wanted him to be, a non-stop killing machine. No human being should ever be like that ever in their life, where they are bloody thirsty, because of the way they were risen up. He finally gets over the way he was trained to become, and his humanity comes back to him and heals him of all this terror and scorch in his life. He was finally set free by his own mind that was created by the military on their terms by the innocent child still left in him. It showed that no matter what he was told and what he was made to believe, he could still keep his inner child and innocence deep inside him somewhere.

I was pretty moved and effected by this, because this is what I've been searching to do my whole life. In the story when this happens to Ender, he realizes himself that he has changed from before. He has definitely matured, but he had almost become a young adult. It was his whole transformation from a child to an adult that I was jealous of. I really did not want to go through the things he went through, but I wanted to become a mature adult as well. He had almost surpassed the people that tried to make him that way. The military heads and leaders tried to turn him in to what they wanted, but he has overpowered and surpassed them to believe what he knew was right.

I feel almost bad for Ender, because he had been twisted and tricked to do something he did not want. He was somehow made to kill other beings, whether it be Buggers or humans. He did kill the Stiltson boy and many Buggers, so he felt so bad as he was realizing what he had really done.


theoLogy//T-0 said...

Yeah I think you got the climax correct. I really feel the same way with you about Ender, and I feel mass sympathy for him. I remember when I was almost in the same position as Ender. My friends in L.A told me to pick up something from our church because it was "supposedly" free. However, I found before it was too late that you were supposed to pay for it. My youth leader came to me and started talking to me about "LIFE" and whatever, and as a result I was very ticked off at my friends because they had tricked me.