Apr 9, 2008

Book #2 ----- Post #5

What is the mood of this novel?

Ender's life throughout the book was surrounded by pain and sorrows. He was isolated and felt alone over and over again. He was unable to find out what true joy was and how it really felt like in his heart. He's been pretty much alone his whole life, unable to find anyone, who could help him in anyway possible. He had felt this way throughout his whole life from when he was born as he was tormented by his brother, Peter to days in the army, when so many people were plotting against him to find out how to take him out. The whole book was just something that nobody should ever see or live through. Whether it be yourself or your friend, this kind of life is unbearable to feel or see. It is just a nightmare that you wake up from sweating all over. He keeps having to overcome so many challenges just to live through his life, which was actually not worth living. His life was almost worth nothing in the eyes of some, and in the eyes of himself. He realizes that his days are just repeating over and over again, unchanging of mind or heart anywhere.

This mood of the story makes me sad, because it sort of relates to my own life. To tell the truth, for a few months or weeks now, I wasn't sure what I was truly living for. It almost seemed like my life was worthless, like Ender's in the book. I couldn't find anything to comfort me or make me truly happy anymore. I just wanted to be happy once more in my life. My life was surrounded sorrows and joy. It was almost like a roller coaster of emotions, success, and failure. My life was covered with problems concerning family, friends, relationships, and much more. I actually just wanted to give up on life itself, just to live in peace. As I thought about this, some of my friends being a strong christian and all, told me about the tests that God will put us through to see if we are worthy to enter his kingdom of Heaven. I could see this kind of ting happening right now, and realized that I needed to wait for that one sign or gift that God will send me in gratitude of what I've been putting up with. I will never give up again on life or anything, and go for every chance I get towards true happiness in my life.