Mar 9, 2008

Post #2

Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel?

What are they?

How are they alike?

Does the novel shed any light on how the current situation could be resolved?

I believe maybe that the situations in Iraq relates to the novel. The theme of this novel is what I believe that connects these two situations. Others might not see it this way, and think that these are the farthest thing from one another, but they are alike if you look close enough. The theme of this novel talks about something that we need the past in order to be living as if we are at least sane. Without learning from the events from the past, we will end up just like in the book as none of us are truly happy inside of us. Well in Iraq, they have some people acting like savages around the country. They are unable to stay stable and constantly safe, because of all the dangers lurking around the paths they walk everyday. I could see that they were partly insane as I saw a picture of a small Iraq kid held up by two other Iraqi kids with guns up to his head.

Please don't be alarmed, but this is seriously the picture I found when I searched up about the Iraqi kids. I couldn't believe what I was seeing as I saw picture with kids holding so many guns. I knew that the people there were in poverty and desperate, but this just shocked me as I saw the frightened look of the small kid in the center. I believe that just maybe they could come out of this kind of desperation if they just looked at the past of the world. If they looked at the problems we had before and our solutions, just maybe they wouldn't have to go through things like the ones you see in the pictures. I'm not sure if the novel does actually solve the problems in Iraq, but I believe that it will help in some way or another. The novel shows that they should look at the mistakes of the past that strike close to home and see how they fought through it. Whether watching others fail or succeed, it will help your chances none the less.


brybry said...

Looking at a picture being harrassed by two other kids made me feel sad as well. True, it is very shocking and dangerous in Iraq for these type of events occur. Your entry made me sympathize with the current situation in Iraq. As you said, it is very terrible and sad that such things happen in the world.

But, I don't see how that incident relates to the novel. You explained saying that it relates to the novel because "They are unable to stay stable and constantly safe, because of all the dangers lurking aroudn the paths they walk everyday..." How does this danger in the street relate to the novel Fahrenheit 451? I don't get a picture of how they're alike. Well, you mentioned that the theme of the novel is about learning about the past to live along today. But again, how does the theme relate to the current situation in Irag? I don't think it is necessarily because of ignorance of the past that makes the children abuse each other. I don't know. Acutally, that might be why.

I'm just not sure if the incident in Iraq where 'children bother other children with guns' is similar to what happened in the novel. I'm not hundred percent convinced with what you said. I wish you could've explained more specifically on how they relate to each other.

Clarion said...

First, I don't really agree with your interpretation of the theme of Fahrenheit 451. I don't really understand the connection between needing the past and censorship. Maybe you could elaborate on that a bit further?

The photo wasn't too disturbing. I think it highly unlikely that the "guns" featured in the picture are real. First, the pistols seem too small. Sure, there are small pistols, but I've never seen pistols that small. Second, the pistols look fake. They look as though they're made of plastic instead of metal. Also, these guns are most likely air soft guns (BB guns) instead of real ones, as air soft guns are made out of plastic and look very much like the ones featured in your picture.

In any case, I can't see how the situation in Iraq and your interpretation of the theme connect, assuming that your version of the theme is correct and that the pistols are real. I don't think that the kids are in this situation because they (or the government) didn't look at the past. I think it's mostly because of President George W. Bush's decisions (assuming that the picture is from Iraq in the first place).

Plus, how could you expect these young children to look at the past and find a good solution? They're kids.

I think that you did a nice job of saying exactly what you wanted to say. However, I disagreed with a lot of what you stated. Anyhow, good luck with your remaining three posts.

Karine Choi said...

SOOOO... When i saw this picture i thought it was an overexaggerated picture of people in Iraq. So i was like," oh my, why would they have acted out pictures like that?" Then i read on and it says that this is a real picture of kids in Iraq??!!
When people tell me that kids there are learning now to fight when they're really young (about 7?) I laughed it out and i said "oh yeah suree!?" Then i see this real picture. Also i didn't see how it really related to your novel, but you wrote a good blog.

TWIG-S said...

John S, I personally think that it was a good idea to relate the novel to the situation in Iraq, but I don't really understand the exact theme, or what you are talking about?
Your explaination on the theme confused me, is it just me? If you can make it much more understandable I would be able to understand the theme.

I think I could get the theme but I need 70% of the reader's thought and intrepretation, but good pictures, I didn't know this fact untill today^^

Minkyu Cha said...

Wow. When I first saw the picture, I just thought that the kids were messing around with some waterguns or something, but when I was reading on, I was really shocked that they were real kids from Iraq. But I did not really see the connection between the wars in Iraq and the theme of the book Fahrenheit 451 where the theme was "censorship."
I don't really get the connection between the cencorship and the dangers that we can have in just out daily life. But good job anyways and I would like to see more of your entries :)