Mar 19, 2008

Post #4

What is the climax of this novel?

What happens?

How to the events of this novel make you feel?
I believe that the climax of this novel was when Montag decided to steal or take the books from the old woman's library. He sees the old woman just waiting there next to her books, as he's standing there burning the books in to ashes. They soon had to push her aside to get to the books, and thinking that she would get out of the attic in fear of the burning, they started to pour their kerosene. She still wouldn't leave even after being threatened to be burned with the books if she didn't get out of there. During all this happening and chaos, a book falls in to Montag's hands like a gift from heaven of something. He doesn't even thinks about what to do with it, and just slides it under his coat trying not to be detected by anyone. As Captain Beatty starts to light the books on fire, not caring about the old woman and her life at all, Montag tries to stop the captain, before he kills this woman. So, he tries to convince her to leave and not waste her life for these books, but soon later they have to decide to burn the books and the old lady and her pride in those books with them. As they were leaving in guilt of having to kill this woman, they didn't see well as the old woman lit a match herself. She threw the match down, burning all the books and herself with it. The whole house goes down as the firemen are forced to leave it. The firemen are left speechless, because they just witnessed the length of her pride in those books and how far she would go for them. As they returned to their station, they remained speechless and quite. I felt a little weird after reading this section. I was left speechless as well with the characters, after I read of the old woman and how she killed herself just for the books in her life. I felt partly sorry for the woman, because in the end she still had to see her loved books burn in the flames of death. I didn't know in the first place that the firemen would go as far as to kill someone to get through to burning the books as Captain Beatty almost did.