Mar 9, 2008

Post #3

Who are the main characters in this novel?
Do you like them? Why or why not?
What is special about them?
What do they reveal about the universal human experience?
Guy Montag: Main character of the story, who indeed is a fireman in the terms of the book, who burn books to destroy the knowledge of the history of the past. I like Guy, because when he discovers that there is an unknown section of the world he has not yet seen, he searches for it with all his might. His life starts to feel so empty, and he starts wanting to see why he was even burning the books of the past, and what was truly hidden in them. He's so special, because he stands alone, but strong with his independent mind, while others try to bring him back down to the fake world they are living in. He reveals that nothing can really happen in the ways you want it, unless you change it yourself, even if you are standing alone.
Clarisse McClellan: She is a seventeen-year old girl, who first meets Guy Montag as they are walking down the streets. I like this character, because she's so mysterious to Guy and to everybody, including her ownself. I believe that she is very special by being the one to actully get Guy to start wondering about that empty space in his life he had always felt, but never had done anything about. She reveals that random stangers can open up the worst, best, and unknown sides of you.
Professer Faber: He is the old professer, who Montag comes for help, after he has met Clarisse, because he can not figure out that empty space all alone. I don't like Faber all that much, because he's always putting himself down calling himself a coward, and blaming all of this tragedy on his cowardness, while he always proves that wrong by being so fearless and brave. He's special, because he owns some old ancient books already from the pasty, but wants more even though society denies of that kind of behavior. He reveals that anybody can be a hero by just helping others along their paths even if you do not think you are not worthy enough.


JK said...

I like Guy Montag too. I agree that he is alone but strong enough to fight world made from fear of knowledge. I thought he revealed that a little bit of curiosity can bring enormous amounts of knowledge.

2hanl2da said...

I didn’t like Guy Montag at first because he was once a fireman. Actually, I began to think wrong about Montag. I thought he would be a cruel firefighter but he was the character who wanted to find a meaningful life. He is adventurous and have lots of questions. He asks such questions “Do I want to be this person? Are these things meaningful?” Montag did not think like the 'robot' in the society where they were brainwashed.

Clarisee was a important character in the opening, although I considered as a minor character or extra. She did played a minor role, which she talked about how Montag was unique and curious. Montag did felt his life empty but never thought about it until Clarisee talks about the nature and her view of current situation.
I agree what you wrote about the theme that she revealed about the universal human experience.

I think you missed Captain Beatty who was the main characters in Fahrenheit 451. He was the main antagonist and the opposing force of Guy Montag. Beatty would provide wrong ideas to Montag. So I think you could have added Captain Beatty as a main character.

Anyways, your reasons about those characters were well written. Have a good time!

Clarion said...

I can see how you like Guy Montag, but I personally disliked him very much. I dislike Guy Montag because he is too naive and trusting of the world. Montag is too much of a "goody-two-shoes" and doesn't seem natural. It would have been nice if Guy Montag was more realistic. That way, I would at least be able to relate to him in some way.

Even though I disliked Guy Montag, I liked Faber from Fahrenheit 451. He was a much more realistic character, in my opinion. Yes, he was cowardly, but that's exactly what made him human. I could effortlessly imagine a cowardly person who was afraid to stand up for his beliefs because of persecution.

I see that you put some consideration into crafting this post. Keep it up!