Mar 21, 2008

Post #6

Are there any settings in the novel you found beautiful?
Or disturbing?
Or memorable?
There were two settings that apealed to my thoughts in the story. The first one was the sidewalk, where Montag met Clarisse. I found that setting to be very beautiful and memorable. I had this kind of feelings towards it, because of what happened between the two and what opened in the mind of Montag, because of that. I mean Montag meets this stranger on a sidewalk and starts to talk to her randomly without any fear. Then, this stranger starts to talk about the past, the thing Montag was destroying in the first place, and how wonderful it was. I thought it was beautuful, because by Clarisse saying all this to him, he has the chance to open his mind and think true and deep about the world and its worries and wonders. I thought it was so memorable, because I mean if this could happen to Montag, couldn't it happen to anybody in the world maybe. One person might meet a random stranger on the sidewalk, and start to discover one huge fault of our society today, which might be the end of the world as we know it. I mean just thinking about the possiblities of what could happen in the world just today scares me, but also gives me hope. I fear the one thing I hope for, the future. Another setting that stuck with me along the book was the old lady's house, where Montag took the book. This struck me for two reasons, because this was the climax of the story, and this scene was disturbing to me. It was the climax simplay because it was the point of no return as he grabbed the book that came to him. The reason behind it being disturbing to me is much more deeper. I see it so disturbing, because of what the old lady had to end up doing. She actually sacrificed herself in order to not get the chance to see the books burn. She treated them as children, like when they say "I don't want to be shown the horror of seeing my children get killed before me". As she dropped that match into the kerosene around her, I almost turned away from the book, like a movie. I just couldn't and didn't want to imagine that sort of horrifying image in my head.